Legal opinion under the Contract on industrial equipment supply
25 June, 2018
The Client, large supplier of industrial equipment, filed a request to Interlegal upon performance of the Contract on goods supply to the counteragent.
Following equipment supply, assembly and calibration, the dispute arose due to the counteragent’s claims against the Client upon quality.
Interlegal lawyers analyzed the contractual documents, including technical documentation and surveys, and drafted the legal opinion with conclusions and recommendations, based on the current legislation and court practice.
At the Client’s request, the legal opinion contained also taxation issues related to equipment supply.
Due to legal opinion, the Client drafted its own legal position during negotiations with the counteragent, in order to prevent court settlement of the dispute.
Interlegal senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya, attorney-at-law Vitalii Tolstik and junior lawyer Dmitriy Chirkin led the case.