Loans Received from Non-Residents
12 December, 2011
‘… Good day, dear colleagues!
Thank you for such an interesting and useful seminar.
Moreover, I would like to thank you for the theme: ‘Loans Received from Non-Residents, Actual Issues’ as considering the current situation in the bank sector of Ukraine the subject is very prospective to my point of view.
The bank involvement into such a seminar as the organizer and partner shows the new modern approach to the Client, the new development tendencies and qualitative changes of the Bank. I was really surprised. Thank you once again for the seminar and such a topical issue…’
Best regards,
Manager of Gefest
Tatiana Vladimirovna
‘… I would like to thank you for such an interesting and informative seminar. The problems raised at the seminar are actual and important…’
Best regards,
Olga Lashkina
Financial Manager
Prexim-D Ltd.
‘… Thank you very much for organization of the seminar. It was very informative and interesting for me. I hope for the future cooperation and looking forward to the new similar events…’
Financial Director
‘TekhnoYug’ Ltd
Shvydka T.N.
‘… I liked the seminar; it was really actual and useful. Thanks. Looking forward to continuation of the series of such seminars…’
Sincerely yours
Nickolai Glukhov,
Financial controller,
Europroduct Corporation
The abovementioned quotations are comments of the participants of the seminar.
‘Loans Received from Non-Residents’ was the name of the seminar held in the premises of the Southern Commercial Regional Department of the PJSC ‘UniCreditBank’ on the 8th of December 2011.
The seminar was organized under the initiative of ‘Interlegal’ together with ‘UniCreditBank’. It was free being addressed to the top managers and owners of the business.
The programme of the seminar covered the speeches of the partner of ‘Interlegal’, Olena Losevska, and associate partner, Ivan Movlyak. The speeches were related to the tax and practical aspects of the loans received from non-residents, peculiarities of withholding tax and innovations related to beneficial owner’s limitation.
‘UniCreditBank’ was represented by the Head of the Currency Control Department, Natalia Vilkhovetskaya, who dwelled upon the registration and formalizing procedure for the loans received from non-residents.
This seminar opens a series of the regular seminars to be organized by ‘Interlegal’ and ‘UniCreditBank’ for their clients and partners.