15 October, 2011
Arthur Nitsevych and Nikolay Melnykov, partners of Interlegal took part in the leading European maritime Event – Maritime Shipping Conference 2011 in Limassol.
From Sunday 02/10/2011 until Wednesday 05/10/2011, the MARITIME CYPRUS 2011 Conference took place in Limassol, Cyprus.
The MARITIME CYPRUS Conference is the leading Cyprus Maritime event.
It is organized every two years by the Cyprus Government, in close cooperation with the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and the Cyprus Union of Shipowners.
The Maritime Cyprus Conference has grown over the years into one of the world’s most significant shipping conferences.
This year’s Maritime Cyprus Conference, was the 12th, since its establishment back in 1989.
Its main theme was “The ?s in Shipping: Is it Safe Enough?, Is it Sustainable?, Is there enough Confidence?”.
Aiming at operating as a Forum where important and current issues relating to international shipping are presented by distinguished speakers and subsequently discussed by the international shipping community, the “Maritime Cyprus Conference” plays a key role towards helping to formulate sound and well balanced decisions and policies on crucial shipping issues.
Enriched by the presence and active contribution of distinguished guests including the IMO Secretary General, European Commissioners and other personalities of the International shipping scene who addressed the conference, the Conference focused on the crucial matters concerning the international shipping industry today.
Subjects addressed during the Conference included Countering Piracy, Seafarers, Long Term Sustainability and Energy. The Capital Markets, Forecasting analysis and exploration of new opportunities to recover from the crisis were also presented.
The Maritime Cyprus Conference is addressed to shipping executives in the industry, including, owners, managers, and delegates from other shipping organizations.
The information has been taken from official resource