Maritime Days in Odessa 2014 news
14 May, 2014
The Organization Committee of Maritime Days in Odessa 2014 (29th – 31st of May) is pleased to inform that over 100 delegated registered for participation in the conference Carrying the goods by sea. Over 150 persons registered for the Odessa Shipping Dinner, and we expect to see over 200 persons. 8 teams registered for participation in annual football tournament Odessa Shipping Cup this year – it is nearly the record!
The list of delegates is updated every week. It has online access at this link
All organizers, partners, registered delegates understand very well the special role of safety in the current situation. We take all precautions to secure complete safety of all participants, including venues for our events opened only for participants. Odessa is still the quietest city of Ukraine. Only one day, the 2nd of May, brought a terrible tragedy planned consciously from the outside. The situation in Odessa is under control: the city lives and works in its usual, quiet and peaceful conditions.
We are sure that Odessa will stay peaceful and calm and we will hold all Maritime Days in Odessa 2014 events together with great pleasure and success.
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