‘Modern Shipping: Problems and Solutions’
29 November, 2011
The Nautical Institute of Ukraine together with the Regional Administration of the Russian Shipping Register in Ukraine under the support of Interlegal held a Round Table on 23 November 2011 entitled ‘Modern Shipping: Problems and Solutions’.
The Round Table was timed to the 10th anniversary of ‘Sea Review’ journal.
The Round Table was opened by the Director of the Regional Administration of the Russian Shipping Register in Ukraine – Mr. Viktor Lyubchenko. He characterized the current state and problems of the world shipping industry.
The Honorary Secretary of the NIU, Vladimir Torskiy, reminded that the first 16 pages edition of ‘Sea Review’ was published in 2001. By the end of the same year the journal was registered by the State Committee for Informational Policy, Television and Broadcasting of Ukraine and got the status of ‘International Sea Journal’. Later on the journal was increased up to 40 pages.
Mr. Torskiy thanked the top management of Odessa National Maritime Academy (namely, the Rector, Mr. Miyusov, and 1 Pro-Rector, Mr. Shemyakin), Regional Administration of the Russian Shipping Register (Mr. Lyubchenko and Mr.Borovik), V Ships (Mr. Safin and Mr. Mamontov), Interlegal (Mr. Nitsevych and Mr. Melnykov), UMS (Mr. Belyi) etc.

The journal is freely distributed among the target group of Ukraine, Russia, USA, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Greece, Great Britain, Bulgaria etc. These are the merits of the editorial board of the journal, in particular, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Topalov, and Technical Secretary, Mrs. Kozhevnikova, as well as freelance correspondents and the very readers that are often the authors of the materials.
The speakers at the Round Table were the following:
- Mr. Mikhaylenko, MNI (Deputy Head of The Inspectorate for Training and Certification of Seafarers);
- Mr. Karpenko, MNI (Chairman of the Ukrainian Marine Environment Protection Association), Mr. Torskiy, FNI – ‘Oil and Oil Products Safety Carriage by Sea and River Transport’;
- Mr. Borovik, MNI (Deputy Head of the Regional Administration of the Russian Shipping Register of Shipping in Ukraine) – ‘ILO Convention’;
- Mr. Chebotarenko (Senior Lawyer at Interlegal) – ‘Changes in the Arrest of the Vessels in Connection with the Accession to the Brussels Convention 1952’;
- Mr. Sagaydak, FNI (‘Olvia Maritime’) – ‘Towards Ratification of the BWM Convention’;
- Mr. Sharapov, MNI; Mr. Torskiy, FNI – ‘Presentation of the Programme on Risk Management during the Vessels’ Operation’.
The major reports covered the future of Ukraine and its shipping industry after ratification and entry into force of some international conventions. The Chairman of the Nautical Institute of Ukraine, Arthur Nitsevych, and the Director of the Regional Administration of the Russian Shipping Register of Ukraine, Mr. Viktor Lyubchenko, called to concretize some particular issues, to put forward suggestions and take an active part in the process of drafting the particular provisions of the conventions.
The organizers thanked all the persons being present and the mass media that attended the event: Ports of Ukraine, Transport and Moryak Ukrainy journals.