News about Conference
6 May, 2010
The Social Program is optional (on Saturday, 5th of June) and may include Odessa Guide Tour, visiting the Odessa Opera House and barbecue. One more peculiarity of the 6th Conference is the football match between two volunteer teams consisting of the delegates. If you like football, join one of our two mixed teams composed of lawyers and experts in shipping to form multi-jurisdictional teams. Of course, you can be a fun only, then, become a cheerleader!
Please, advise your interest
Dear delegates! You have a brilliant chance to invite your Partners to take part in the Conference and hold the negotiations directly in the course of the Event. The separate and comfortable negotiation-rooms are available in the Hotel especially for this purpose.
You are always welcome! See you in Odessa!
(to be used for any and all questions related to participation):
Organizers contact details in Odessa:
Conference “Practice of Maritime Business” – International Law Offices
Phone/fax: +38 0482 337528, 337529,
you can also use ADDITIONAL CONTACTS
Conference organizers in Novorossiysk:
Conference “NOVO2010” – Transmarine BSS
Phone/fax: +7 8617 606997, 631177,}}
Conference “Practice of Maritime Business” – Law Firm Remedy
Phone: +7 (812) 703 51 00{BR} fax: +7 (812) 325 32 47
e-mail: {HREF,}}