Procedure of the Client relief from foreign economic sanctions
26 September, 2016
The client – foreign trading company engaged in regular trade and import in Ukraine, applied to Interlegal. While supplying a batch of goods in the process of customs clearance, the Client’s buyer faced unforeseen restrictions and was unable to complete customs clearance facilitating free circulation of goods.
The necessary data and documents were obtained under attorney’s requests. They stated that the Client’s company and its counteragent faced foreign economic sanctions of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine which resulted in restricting foreign economic activity.
Having defined a certain type of foreign economic sanctions against the Client, their grounds and initiators, Interlegal experts explained to the Client consequences for economic activity and provided optimal ways for their cancellation.
Interlegal lawyers are conducting the following stage – the Client relief from sanctions. The lawyer Vitalii Tolstik and the senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya under general supervision of the associated partner Natalya Myroshnychenko led the case.