Release of the arrested vessel
3 November, 2022
A company – Shipowner, whose vessel was on a commercial voyage to one of the Ukrainian sea ports, applied to Interlegal due to detention of the vessel and the subsequent risk of her arrest.
The reason for vessel detention was wetting the cargo revealed in the process of discharge.
In order to fix actual state of the cargo after transportation, a survey was carried out and actually confirmed partial damage to the cargo.
With regards to absence of any comments upon condition of the cargo at the stage of loading, and the damage detected in the process of discharge, the Shipowner acknowledged its responsibility and expressed its desire to settle the dispute amicably out of court.
Interlegal specialists were involved in dispute settlement at the stage of discussing joint survey of the parties, which made it possible to assess the actual amount of losses and the Carrier’s liability (initially, full cost of the cargo loaded on board of the vessel was claimed for compensation).
Based on findings of the survey, understanding all the risks of possible arrest of the vessel and taking into account limitation of the Sea Carrier’ liability, Interlegal held negotiations with the Cargo Owner and agreed on terms of the amicable agreement.
It should be noted that, according to terms of the amicable agreement, both the amount of claim against the Client and the amount of reimbursement to be paid was significantly reduced.
Interlegal lawyer Nikita Kocherba, managed by associate partner Karyna Gorovaya, led the case.
Interlegal team has vast experience in solving specific problems of vessel arrest and release and is ready to help you to settle such disputes as quickly as possible.