Sanctions against RMRS-Ukraine
17 March, 2017
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (Order No. 286 dd. March 2, 2017) declares on imposing special sanctions on the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for commitment of actions which may cause damage to interests of the national economic safety of Ukraine, and breach of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine “On foreign economic activity”. The sanctions imposed are in the form of suspending foreign economic activity in Ukraine, which enters into force within 40 days from the date of the Order.
It provides temporary prohibition to perform in Ukraine any types of activity, including services on classification and certification of vessels, hydrotechnical facilities, ship materials and equipment until cancellation of sanctions.
Sanctions were imposed under the initiative of the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Southern Region of Ukraine.
If any legal issues arise concerning this situation, please apply to Interlegal experts immediately to obtain the relevant consulting.