Seminar called ‘Mutimodal Carriages: Tax Peculiarities’
1 December, 2010
International Law Offices together with Marfin Bank and audit firm Triada held a seminar for their clients and partners called Mutimodal Carriages: Tax Peculiarities on 25 November 2010.
In the course of the seminar the following issues were covered by the speakers: ‘customs-forwarder-agent-carrier’, VAT, withholding tax during international carriages as well as possible amendments due to adoption of the Tax Code of Ukraine.
The moderators were the senior lawyers of International Law Offices, namely: Ivan Movlyak, Artem Skorobogatov and Natalia Myroshnychenko.
The seminar caused great interest for financial directors and chief accountants invited by the company.
The next similar event is to be held in February of 2011.