The First Swiss-Ukrainian Business Forum, February 7, 2008
19 February, 2008
The Partner of International Law Offices Natalya Shpak has joined to the delegates of this ambitious forum, arranged by UKRcham, Swiss-Ukrainian Business Chamber involved organizations, companies and the Swiss Embassy. The overall intention was further strengthening the economic cooperation between Ukraine and Switzerland and giving information on advantages of the Location Switzerland.
Over 200 of important Оwners, CEOs, CFOs of Ukrainian companies willing to expand their business abroad, going international, assembled in the forum hall of Hotel Premier Palace and listened to the presentations of UBS, KPMG, Walder Wyss and Partners and IMD Lausanne.
The Forum gave an overview on the Swiss banking system as such and especially on tendencies in the development of new and modern banking products, Taxation System, IPO, and legal aspects of doing business in and with Switzerland.
In addition the participants were also informed on corporate programmes for the elite management in one of the finest business school of Switzerland.
During both, Forum and individual meetings, the participants had a chance to discuss concrete topics and receive answers on particular questions from the representatives of leading Swiss companies.
The winner of the lottery will enjoy a free weekend in Zurich. A Swiss member of the board of UKRcham drew the winning business card.
The Forum concluded with a vote of thanks to all the contributors and to the organiser, UKRcham.The fourchette at the end of the Forum was an outstanding platform for building partnerships and contacts with the Swiss business society.