The Polish and Ukrainian Law Day
20 September, 2012
The International Law Offices (Interlegal) has taken part in the event which took place on the 19th of September 2012 in Lviv.
The Polish and Ukrainian Law Day: the event which takes place under the auspices of the International Bar Association, has become traditional and takes place alternately in Poland and Ukraine.
The International Law Offices in the preson of senior lawyer Oleksandr Chebotarenko has taken place in the abovementioned event for the first time, having expanded not only its territorial but also professional geography. Organizers and participants have shown their exceptional interest to the law and business features of the problems in the Southern Region of Ukraine as well as their interest to the prospects of further cooperation.
The main tasks of the conference are provision of the deeper understanding of the features of Polish and Ukrainian law systems, possibility of their interrelation, sharing of experience regarding to application of law instruments and institutes for building up the business relations between the entrepreneurs of both countries, strengthening the contacts between the Polish and the Ukrainian law communities.
News prepared by the Press Center of the International Law Offices (Interlegal)
20th of September 2012