
Additional course for navigators again. Deviation

19 ноября 2020 г.: ru 2 en 116 августа 2020 г.: en 123 июня : ru 1 12.04.13

Deviation – it was the name of the master class held by Interlegal on the 10th of April in the Marine Academy.


Moderators, Andrey Perepelitsa and Dmitriy Zagorodnyuk, lawyers of Interlegal, held a master class for senior course trainees of the Odessa National Marine Academy. This time it was devoted to deviation. The Company’s practical case caused high interest of the audience, as usual. The audience consisted of trainee navigators who had to face in practice the problems studied at the master class, to receive a practical advice and to apply the obtained knowledge.


The program of the first semester is complete.


See you in the next academic year.


News prepared by

Interlegal press service

12 April 2013
