
AIJA Transport Commission Seminar

24 июля 2021 г.: ru 2 21 февраля 2023 г.: en 129 ноября 2023 г.: en 119.10.13

Mrs. Nataliya Myroshnychenko, Associated partner of “Interlegal”, attended AIJA Transport Commission Seminar “Limitation of Liability” on 17-19 of October in Lisbon.

The conference covered limitation of liability in all its aspects. All events presented some kind of a stimulating journey from the applicability, scope and breaking of liability limits at law to the drafting, interpretation and voidance of liability limits in shipping related contracts.

All the above, from the incisive perspective of 21 different jurisdictions, provided participants with a deep taste of what is happening around the globe within limitation of liability.

AIJA is a non-profit organization established in the form of an association under Luxemburg law in 1962. It is committed to defend and take active part in promoting core legal principles, such as the rule of law and human rights principles. While respecting the integrity of each civilized society of the world, a particular aim of AIJA is to advance cross-cultural understanding between members and other participants in the legal profession as a whole.    

Mrs. Nataliya Myroshnychenko who is traditionally speaking at the AIJA Transport Commission seminars, shared with the participants the topic “Limitation of liability: enforcement against third parties – Ukrainian practice”.

The general principle of the freedom of contract established under the Ukrainian Law as well as correct wording of such clause gives the chance for a person to limit its liability. Basing on the interesting case from Interlegal practice, Nataliya presented for the participants the grounds to enforce the liability limitation clause in the contract against the third person claiming the damages.