

23 марта 2021 г.: en 117 мая : en 119 июня : en 128.10.08

On October 10, 2008 International Conference «Doing business in Ukraine: Odessa and Odessa region» took place in Odessa, Londonskaya Hotel, with more than 60 delegates from 8 countriesgathered, investors, developers, experts in the sphere of real estate and construction, CEO and managers making key decisions.


The organizer of the conference was “International Law Offices”, Ukraine, under the support of the General Department of Foreign Activity and European Integration of Odessa Regional State Administration, Department of Recreational Complex and Tourism of the Odessa City Council, Southern Branch of the European Business Association and Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Odessa.


Alexander Ilyin, Head of the Foreign Investments Department of the Odessa Regional State Administration estimated investment climate in Odessa and in the Odessa region. Viktor Aksanyuk, Head of the Department of Recreational Complex and Tourism of the Odessa City Council, made a review on investment projects of Odessa.


Among speeches of the leading international lawyers and auditors special attention of the audience was brought by the presentation of {B}the partner of “International Law Offices” Arthur Nitsevych – “10 tips to start business in Ukraine”.


Partner of “PricewaterhouseCoopers”, Krzysztof Lipka, was telling about practical aspects of foreign investment in Ukraine, namely about the taxation.  


An interesting market review of industrial, commercial and residential real estate was performed by Andrey Dedov, head of the Marketing Department of the company “Resource Development”.

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Alena Losevskaya from ”International Law Offices” described in detail the situation with land from the position of a foreign investor.


The peculiarity of the conference was a role play, an interactive session, presented by Artem Skorobogatov and Ivan Movlyak – leading lawyers of “International Law Offices’, imagining purchase and sale of business in Ukraine using original schemes and escrow agency tools.  


There were also other interesting talks dedicated to peculiarities of opening and doing business in Ukraine, projects management in business, recruiting, placement of personnel (Igor Lebedev, Recruiting Consulting Agency “Lebedev and Partners”).


The managing partner of the company “Moore Stephens” in Ukraine, Elena Lugovskaya, raised a theme on audit, accountancy and international standards.


George Zambartas, partner of “Zambartas Law Offices”, told about investments to Ukraine via Cyprus.


Summarizing results of the conference, Arthur Nitsevych {/B}showed his gratitude to the representatives of the regional and city authorities and partners of the conference supporting the event: European business Association, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Odessa, U.S. – Ukraine Foundation (USUF, United States), Swedish-Ukrainian Business Club (SUBC, Ukraine), Trade and Economic mission of Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Bulgaria, Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, EU Ukraine Business Council.


Special thanks were made to the mass media and the General Media partner Television Broadcasting Company GLAS.


Next International Conference dedicated to Business in Ukraine shall take place in Odessa in October of 2009.

Communiqué was prepared by press service of the LF “International Law Offices”


16th of October, 2008. www.interlegal.com.ua