
International Law Firm “Interlegal” held the annual Round Table (case study) in Moldova

10 декабря 2023 г.: en 223 февраля 2022 г.: en 113 мая : en 128.03.14


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On the 28th of March the Round Table (case study) “Export and import: problems and settlement” took place at the conference hall of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau). It was organized by combined efforts of “Interlegal” and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova.

The event gathered nearly 70 participants from all regions of Moldova: representatives of the largest exporters of grain and oil crops, fruit and vegetable preserves and juices, fresh fruits, vegetables and poultry, importers of equipment and machinery etc.

In 2013 the main issues were claims upon sea transportation of bulk cargo, wording of bills of lading and charter party, accompanying case proceedings at GAFTA and FOSFA arbitrations.

This year experts from Interlegal uncovered vital issues upon conclusion and performance of export and import contracts on general cargo supply.

Mihai Bylba, Director of the Department of International Relationship of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, opened the event and represented experts.

Artem Skorobogatov, associated partner of Interlegal, made a report about peculiarities and main mistakes in making foreign economic contract. The issues were related to foreign partner inspection, choice of the contract law and language, arrangement of Force Majeure and Arbitration clauses, Letter of Credit etc.

Irina Voyevodina, lawyer of Interlegal, highlighted key aspects in using non-residential companies in international trade in order to optimize business including taxation, defense and confidentiality.

Dmitriy Zagorodnyuk, lawyer of Interlegal, shared experience in settlement of disputes in international trade regarding sea and automobile container transportations. He showed efficiency of pretrial work of external law company, by means of certain examples from the practice of Interlegal. The expert highlighted main criteria when choosing the arbitration and gave recommendations which increase essentially the chances of winning a suit at courts and arbitrations.

Topics uncovered by Interlegal experts, raised lots of questions among the participants who continued discussions during cocktail-party.

For any questions related to claims and debt recovery upon foreign economic contracts, please contact Dmitriy Zagorodnyuk: zagorodnyuk@interlegal.com.ua Phone: 0380487037551 

For any questions related to opening foreign companies and accounts, please contact Irina Voyevodina: voyevodina@interlegal.com.ua Phone: 0380487037506