
Bowling Tournament «UBA Bowling Masters 2013»

22 января 2023 г.: ru 1 29 января 2023 г.: ru 1 3 февраля 2023 г.: en 125.10.13

On Friday, the 25th of October, at the bowling-club “7 Stars” there was held the bowling tournament «UBA Bowling Masters 2013». Four teams formed by UBA members: “Interlegal”, ANK Law Company, Yurline Law Company and Sergeevs’ Law Company competed for the title of champion during 2 hours. Interesting fact, the team of “Interlegal” was supported by Andrey Suprunenko, member of the Ukrainian Bar Association (Remedy Law Company, St. Petersburg).

ANK Law Company team won the tournament and the Cup «UBA Bowling Masters 2013». “Interlegal” was the runner-up, Sergeevs’ Law Company ranked third and Yurline Law Company – fourth.

The best player of the tournament was Maksim Kirilyuk (ANK) who got the largest score in personal rating resulted in 3 games.

The tournament was held in traditional homelike atmosphere. All the team members showed their skills and will to win. After the tournament players had an active relaxation, chatted informally and thanked their active supporters. All the tournament participants were awarded with cups and diplomas.