
Debates on signing the Agreement between Ukraine and EU

24 января : ru 2 13 ноября 2023 г.: en 127 июня : ru 2 27.09.13

For the first time in Odessa there was a unique and unusual event: debates on signing the Agreement between Ukraine and EU.


The event was initiated by Mr. Wolf Dietrich Heim, the Ambassador of Austria, and actively supported by Mrs. Morozova I.V., Chancellor of the Odessa National Maritime University, Mr. Stavnitser A.A., Director General of the TIS Group of Companies, with organizational support of “Interlegal”, on the 26th of September at the conference hall of the Odessa Maritime University. The theme of debates was the Perspectives of Free Trade with the European Partners and what the Association Agreement with the EU offers to Ukraine. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss with academia, business elite, students and press representatives in the open format what the Association Agreement and deep and comprehensive Free Trade with Europe would mean to Odessa region and Ukraine in general.



The debate participants were greeted by Mrs. Morozova I.V., Chancellor of the Odessa National Maritime University, who thanked the Ambassador of Austria for the initiative in holding the debates at the Odessa National Maritime University.


The debates were moderated by Mrs. Savelieva I.V., Head of the Department of Transport Technologies and Systems who introduced the debate participants, the Presidium and determined the format and procedure of the meeting. The Presidium members were experts from different industries of economy and state structures, namely: Mr. W.D. Heim, the Ambassador of Austria, Mrs. Morozova I.V., Chancellor of the Odessa National Maritime University, Mrs. Savelieva I.V., Head of University Department and Moderator, Mr. Malin A.V., Deputy Head of the Odessa State Administration, Mrs. Goncharova A.A., the Second Secretary of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Odessa, Mr. Stavnitser A.A., Director General of the” TIS” Group of Companies, Mr. Melnykov N.V., Partner of “Interlegal”.


Mr. Wolf Dietrich Heim, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria in Ukraine, presented an opening speech and small report where he touched the aspects of the long-term integration of Ukraine to EU and the prospects which might open for our country after signing the Agreement with the EU on the 29th of November 2013 in Vilnius. As an example, Poland increased its export to Russia from one to ten billion Euros for the last 13 years being the EU member, said the Ambassador.



Then there was free discussion of the economic issues that are of high interest for everyone. Every second participant addressed a question to Mr. Heim who answered with pleasure and expressed his opinion too. Mr. Malin A.V., Deputy Head of the Odessa State Administration, explained which amount of reforms should Ukraine perform on the long and difficult way of integration to EU, in particular, accept and implement 22 thousand EU Standards. He emphasized that it could take more than one year and it would require serious investments. The problems the Ukrainian business is facing now were also in discussion. Vladislav Burda, Founder and President of “RedHead Family Corporation”, said that large rates for supermarket premise lease and customs duties have almost left the children’s clothes beyond the purchasing power.



The legislative aspect was commented by Mr. Melnykov N.V., Partner of “Interlegal”, who explained that bringing the Ukrainian law requirements in conformity with the international maritime law requirements would be the significant breakthrough of Ukraine in this industry and would improve essentially the image of our country as the competent participant of global processes in general and commercial shipping in particular. At the end Mr. Stavnitser A.A., Director General of the “TIS” Group of Companies and organizer of debates, gave recommendations to the students and emphasized that the colour of the diploma wasn’t so importantl for employer nowadays. The main criteria of selection in his companies are professional skills, strong wish to work and desire to learn every day.


Discussion of such a vital process as Ukraine integration to EU was held, as usually in Odessa, in free, open, vivid and emotional atmosphere. The last accord was the extraordinary, taste, delicious and well-served cocktail dinner from the “Fratelli” Restaurant which proved once more -it is the best restaurant of Odessa. It was held in the Museum of the Odessa National Maritime University where Mr. Heim, the Ambassador of Austria, got acquainted with rich history of our Odessa Maritime University.