
ICE Day Post Release

25 октября 2022 г.: en 313 мая 2022 г.: en 119 апреля 2023 г.: en 124.10.12

On the 23rd of October the Ice Day Seminar organized by the International Law Offices (Interlegal) with the assistance of The Ukrainian Shipbrokers` Club and The Nautical Institute of Ukraine was held.


The partner was the APK INFORM Information and analytical agency.


50 delegates took part in the seminar work. There were the representatives of traders, navigation companies, charterers, brokers, agents and representatives of state organizations providing the safe navigation, ports.


Among the reporters there were experts from Ukraine, Latvia and Russia.


Moderators: Artur Nytsevich and Nikolay Melnykov, Interlegal partners.

Artem Skorobogatov, the Interlegal associated partner, has presented the review of the ice navigation consequences in Black Sea and Sea of Azov in 2001-2012.


The reporters Artem Skorobogatov and Nataliya Myroshnychenko have particularized the topics related to the charters and ice clauses, presented some cases from the Interlegal’s law practice. Aleksandr Abuzyarov, the reporter from Latvia (Grupama Transport) has traversed the subjects of insurance in winter period, has described the right way of making the insurance contracts, has indicated on what should be taken into account first of all. The lawyer Pavel Sokolov, the lecturer from the company Eberg, Stepanov and Partners, has told about the situation on ice channeling and about the disputes arisen thereof in the Russian Federation.


Given the unfavourable weather conditions and ice situation in particular, the cargo shipment from the frozen port may be delayed, the duty on vessel supply to such port may not be fulfilled, terms of cargo delivery at the port of unloading may be violated. As the result depending on terms of the contract there may be penal sanctions accrued due to the longstanding demurrage of the vessel in expecting the escort or the pilotage, or the counteragent may set up claims against the counteragent on compensation for losses due to delay in supply and/or cancellation of the contract.

The experts advised the participants of the Ice Day seminar what to do in such situation, how to avoid the demurrages, to reduce the losses and to preserve the vessel.


The panel discussion at the second section was related to security, risk and salvage issues. The particular attention was paid on the topic related to providing the accident-free work of the vessels in Ukrainian and Russian ports on Black Sea and Sea of Azov in winter period. The following representatives took part in the panel discussion:

Of Odessa Commercial Sea Port – Gennadiy Zhukov, of the Ministry for Emergency situations – Yuriy Stepanov, of the Sea Capitan Association – Vadim Gritsiuk; Andrey Chizhov from Bunker Platz and Vladimir Korovin from Aquaformula has told about the ice situation on the Danube. Yevgeniy Beloborov, Doctor of Medical Sciences from the Ukrainian Research Institute of the Transport Medicine has told about the role of the human factor in the aspect of hazardous goods carriage in winter.


The organizers express a lot of gratitude to the information partners of the seminar: APK INFORM, Transport magazine, Ports of Ukraine magazine, Sea Review magazine, information portals trans-port, cfts, mbnu.




1.Introduction and Ice clauses, Skorobogatov Myroshnychenko


2.Ice and insurance Groupama Abuzyarov


3.Interlegal Section 2 Case Study


4.Eberg Section 2 Case Study


5.Поиск и спасание на море ИМО. Леонард Позолотин


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Press release prepared by Interlegal


24 October 2012