
Interlegal consults Severstal upon issues of chartering.

22 сентября 2021 г.: en 131 мая 2023 г.: ru 1 28 июля 2023 г.: en 115.04.13

On the 11th of April Nikolay Melnykov, the associated partner of Interlegal, and Nataliya Myroshnychenko, the partner of Interlegal, held a training seminar upon certain issues of vessel chartering and voyage charters for the large Russian company Severstal in Moscow.


Our specialists were invited as experts in chartering industry.


The seminar was successful, CJSC Severstal-Resource plans to hold in the prospect several training seminars for its employees with Interlegal, the experts from Ukraine in marine transportations involved.


News prepared by

Interlegal press service

15 April 2013
