
Interlegal at the 53rd AIJA Annual Congress

23 июня 2022 г.: ru 4 15 сентября 2023 г.: en 119 октября 2023 г.: ru 1 09.09.15



“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford” (Samuel Johnson) – this phrase opened the 53rd AIJA Annual Congress held this time in London on September, 1-5.

Nataliya Myroshnychenko, the associated partner, presented Interlegal at the pre-congress seminar organized by the AIJA transport committee. She has been participating in affairs of this committee last years.

The senior lawyer Dmitriy Zagorodniuk, as a speaker presented the Ukrainian opinion of marine insurance problems in the section “Denying cover as a marine insurer: plain sailing or dead in the water?”.

This year the Congress gathered over 600 participants throughout the whole world and created a brilliant venue for communication and sharing experience. At sessions of various committees the participants could highlight the approach to solving various problems with regard to the law of their countries. AIJA Congress is a unique venue for sharing experience between young lawyers worldwide and every year it is getting more popular.