
Interlegal on the 12th Conference Shiparrested.com

9 ноября 2019 г.: en 16 июля 2023 г.: en 17 июля : ru 2 14.05.15


The 12th Shiparrested.com Conference took place last week at the Ritz-Carlton of Dubai International Financial Center.

More than 110 participants from 42 countries attended the event. It was high level organized with all professional participants and high-ranking guests from the industry. As usually, the topics to discuss were serious and interesting covering different aspects of maritime and commercial law. In the usual friendly shiparrested.com atmosphere, the members have shared common experience, practices and bonds of friendships.

Interlegal, being one of the oldest members of maritime lawyers network, has been involved in Shiparrested.com activity from the very beginning. This year Associated partner of Interlegal Natalya Myroshnychenko represented the firm at the network traditional annual conference.  

As a speaker, Natalia Myroshnychenko became a part of the scenario panel discussion on the vessels’ arrest’s trends. In her speech CRIMINAL ARREST: PLAY IN THREE ACTS she presented the case of m/v Kanton. The vessel was firstly detained and then arrested in the Ukrainian port of Kherson by local authorities on the grounds of the criminal liability for calling closed Crimean port in July 2014.

The case became the first in the row of implementing the ‘Crimean sanctions’ adopted by Ukraine in 2014. The speech provoked great interests in the audience and was actively discussed afterwards in the lobby.