
Interlegal participated actively in the scientific and practical conference at the Odessa Commercial Court of Appeal

8 августа 2023 г.: en 119 февраля : ru 1 20 марта : ru 1 25.05.16


On May 24, 2016, the scientific and practical conference “Time challenge as improvement of commercial jurisdiction. Case consideration specialty as security of court proceedings quality” was held at the Odessa Commercial Court of Appeal. Nikolay Melnykov, Interlegal partner, and Vyacheslav Lebedev, the consultant, participated in the conference. Nikolay Melnykov presented a report upon the issues of ship arrest court practice under maritime claims, which awoke much interest among the conference participants. Representativeness of the conference is shown by its participants – public officers, scientists and businessmen. The conference was moderated by Natalya Morshchagina, Chairman of the Odessa Commercial Court of Appeal. Lvov Bogdan Yurievich – Chairman of the Supreme Commercial Court of Ukraine, Benedisyuk Igor Mikhailovich – Chairman of the Supreme Council of Justice and Onishchuk Nikolay Vasilievich – Rector of the National School of Judges held a welcome speech and highlighted the high level of the conference organization. Presentations of Oleg Podtserkovnyi – Doctor of Law Sciences, Chairman of the Department of Commercial Law and Proceedings of the National University “Odessa Law Academy” and Oleg Kutateladze – representative of Trans Invest Service (TIS), the largest private business in the port industry of Ukraine, awoke special interest.

Presentation of Oleg Podtserkovnyi “Proposals for commercial court destruction do not take into account actual economic demands and the leading foreign experience” is a keynote idea of the conference. The whole process of the conference showed that case consideration specialty is a security of court proceedings quality. Court specialization in the Ukrainian judicial system shall be not only preserved but also extended. The bright example is a need in creating special courts for maritime claim consideration.