
Round Table of the Ukrainian Bar Association of the Odessa Region

19 апреля 2023 г.: en 228 декабря 2023 г.: en 216 мая : en 108.11.13

On the 8th of November 2013 at the Conference Hall of “Aleksandrovskiy” Hotel there was held a Round Table of the Ukrainian Bar Association of the Odessa Region called “Disputes at the Ukrainian Courts with a Foreign Element Involved. Enforcement of Foreign Court Decisions in Ukraine”. This event was moderated by Mr. Alexey Remeslo, lawyer of “Interlegal” and the reports presented Yekaterina Vorobyova, lawyer of “ANK” Law Company and Aleksandr Vovk , lawyer of “Yurline” Law Company.

Special attention was paid to the issue of notifying foreign companies being the parties of process: procedure and evidence. Speakers discussed both theoretical and practical aspects of the theme based on their own practice.