
Seminar “Your Business: Optimization and Safety under New Reality”

13 ноября 2023 г.: en 113 мая : en 114 мая : en 120.03.14


On the 20th of March, in the comfortable Greek Hall of Mozart Hotel, Interlegal held the annual seminar “Your Business: Optimization and Safety in New Reality”.


30 guests took part in the seminar. The program included two sessions. Raluca Stefainschi, guest of the seminar, head of the Romanian office of Oxford Tax Solutions, the Cypriot partner of Interlegal, opened the first session with her presentation “Advantages and New Opportunities of Companies in Cyprus and UAE”. Her presentation illustrated main aspects of incorporation and taxation of companies within mentioned jurisdictions. Irina Voyevodina, lawyer of Interlegal and moderator of the seminar, reported about new procedure of working with Cyprus in the scope of the new Double Taxation Convention concluded with Cyprus. She represented a brief analysis of main changes for the Ukrainian business.



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It is noteworthy to mention presentation of Sergey Kalitenko, senior lawyer and attorney-at-law of Interlegal. He told about the facts everyone should know in the process of rummage, seizure, inspection and private investigation.


In the second part of the seminar lawyers of Interlegal discussed three more urgent issues. Olena Losevska, moderator of the second session, made a presentation about asset security in Ukraine by means of non-resident companies and Yuliya Starova told about peculiarities and advantages of using Estonian companies in business schemes. The final accord of the seminar was presentation of Nikolay Melnikov. He proposed a new alternative – to use Georgian companies in business. Such issue turned out to be absolute news for the whole audience, raised general interest and announced the beginning of corporate practice of Interlegal in Georgia. The results of the seminar held at the very heart of Southern Palmira were summarized at the small cocktail dinner. See you at Maritime Days in Odessa 2014!