
The 2nd Whiskey Club meeting at Interlegal (season-2016)

23 февраля 2022 г.: ru 1 26 февраля 2022 г.: ru 1 18 апреля 2022 г.: en 104.04.16


For the second time this year Whiskey Club meeting was held at Interlegal office on March 31, 2016, on the fascinating topic “All Styles of Scotland in the Single Distillery”. The participants studied the GlenDronach Distillery in details.


Nataliya Myroshnychenko, the associated partner of Interlegal and the leader of shipping practice, traditionally opened the meeting and presented the shipping news in the Black Sea Region at a glance of the maritime lawyer.


The audience discussed actively nuances of rewording of the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the issues of vessel control by the port state in Black Sea Region. The practice of Interlegal upon recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards in Georgia aroused particular interest. The participants shared their opinions upon VAT accrual on port dues, having studied the recent cases from the practice of Interlegal settled successfully in favor of the agent’s company.


At the meeting, the present participants of Interlegal Partners Club, were solemnly awarded the certificates.


Idea of the Club is to combine efforts in organization of mutually beneficial cooperation, mutual assistance and available exchange of information granted by providers of professional services in the international trade, in order to increase business quality and efficiency, to expand geography and scope of services in Ukraine and Black Sea Region.