
Whisky Club Assembly on the Lawyer’s Day


On the 16th of October 2013 the regular assembly of Whisky Club devoted to the Lawyer’s day was held, as usual, at Corvin Club. The purpose was not only to represent the endless world of whisky but also to grant an opportunity to learn this drink more profoundly while enjoying it.

The guests got acquainted with history of 7 kinds of first-grade whisky and had an opportunity to taste and to enjoy varity of delicious flavours. In the process of tasting there were numerous questions and comments of guests. Sommelier gave detailed answers to all the questions and granted invaluable information about this popular drink to all the guests.

Let us remind that first assembly of the club took place in February 2010 in Odessa, initiated by “Interlegal”. Now we have been enjoying delicious drink and pleasant company for over three years. It helps us to take our minds off routine problems.