
Non-resident companies shall register with the Ukrainian tax authorities as payers of income tax

18 марта 2021 г.: ru 256 en 419 марта 2021 г.: ru 51 en 120 марта 2021 г.: ru 14 en 1 всего: 63718.03.21


According to the last amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine, non-resident companies shall register with the Ukrainian tax authorities as payers of income tax. The due date is before April 1, 2021.

This requirement applies to:

- non-residents who have registered subdivisions in Ukraine, including permanent establishments (PEs);

- non-residents who conduct business activities in Ukraine.

Earlier all the tax duties were assigned to PEs – it was their responsibility to keep records, pay taxes in Ukraine and submite relevant reports to tax authority. Now these obligations on income tax will be transferred to the non-residents (parent companies of PEs).

From the moment of tax registration of non-resident, subdivision (PEs) will be deregistered with the tax authorities as a payer of income tax. At the same time, subdivisions (PEs) of non-residents will continue to be payers of other taxes (e.g., VAT, taxes and fees from wages of staff, land tax, etc.).

To sum up, in case you:

- have permanent establishment or other subdivision in Ukraine;

- conduct business activities in Ukraine; or

- are going to receive income with a source of origin from Ukraine this year;

then you need to make analysis of the current situation and/or ask for advice.

We are ready to assist you with the subject issues, give our recommendations and take the necessary steps to make registration with the tax authorities in Ukraine.
