

7 ноября 2020 г.: en 117 февраля 2021 г.: ru 1 13 июля : ru 1 26.11.12

December, 18 2012

18:00 (UK), 19:00 (EC), 20:00 (Ukraine)

web-presentation linkhttp://www.interlegal.com.ua/live/



Organizer: Interlegal

Moderators: Dmitriy Zagorodnyuk, lawyer


The language of the webinar – English

Duration: 20 min.


The webinar will present Young Maritime Club and its members.

Young Maritime Club is a network of young specialists engaged in different areas of business connected with cargo transportation based in Odessa, Ukraine.

Attendees just go to the link http://www.interlegal.com.ua/live/to watch the webinar


Also they are able to place questions in the course of the session and after on-line.

You will be separately provided with login (name) and digital pass (4 numbers) to join the webinar’s chat where (if you want) you will be able to set questions to speaker.



Technical conditions


Internet channel 1 МB/s and more

Browser Internet Explorer 7.0 and more, Opera, Firefox, Chrome are also applicable

Adobe flash player 9.0 and higher, could be loaded from official web-site http://get.adobe.com/ru/flashplayer/

Audio facilities (speakers and headphones)

Attention! Web-camera and mike are not required


The participation is free

Please register your e-mail and get the link till 00:00, 3 December 2012

The technical partner of the webinar is ‘Planet Odessa’ http://www.imodocs.com/


Contact info:

Tel./Fax: +38 (0482) 33 75 28, 49 69 25.

е-mail: nychyporchuk@interlegal.com.ua

Irina Nychyporchuk


Dmitro Zagorodnyuk



Terms of confidentiality: your name and/or e-mail will not be visible to public and/or used in some other way for your identification in the chat. Each user joined the chat will be displayed under the above mentioned numbers he/she got. No names or e-mails. So you may not worry about confidentiality.