
Приглашаем на встречу Interlegal Shipping Talks. Seafarers’ Wellbeing

17 февраля 2020 г.: ru 41 14 февраля 2020 г.: ru 12 18 февраля 2020 г.: ru 10 14.02.20

Interlegal Shipping Talks. Благополучие моряков
Международная юридическая служба Interlegal и Морской институт Украины приглашают вас на встречу с экспертами в области судоходства, безопасности мореплавания и морских перевозок.
Формат Interlegal Shipping Talks предполагает регулярное профессиональное общение экспертов отрасли на актуальные темы 
Кому будет интересно: судоходным и пассажирским компаниям, крюинговым агентствам, тренажерным центрам, P&I клубам, научному и морскому сообществу
Когда: 28 февраля, в 18.30
Где: офис компании Interlegal (Одесса, Генуэзская, 24B)
Программа мероприятия:
(рабочие языки мероприятия: русский, анлийский. перевод выступлений спикеров не предусмотрен)

Домедицинская помощь на борту. Осведомленность и практическая реализация, 

Никита Карпенко, SAR (Training Centre Safe & Rescue)

    Программа психического здоровья на борту:


Александр Димитревич, Intelligent Management & Crises Response Solutions (IMCRS)

Ответ на кризисные ситуации для моряков. Превенция стресса, депрессии и суицидов в море, 

Джонатан Мартин (офис IMCRS в Великобритании)

Коммуникация с семьями в условиях кризиса, 

Капитан Виталий Смолец, судоходная компания Innovative Ukraine

Кризисное реагирование для сотрудников морских компаний, 

Александр Димитревич, Intelligent Management & Crises Response Solutions (IMCRS)

Опыт организации программа кризисного реагирования в Британии, Disaster Management International. Crises Response Concept, 

Стивен Ниммо, Disaster Management International (DMI)

Проблемы криминализации моряков и защита моряков в международном судоходстве, 

Николай Козаченко, юрист, Interlegal

Участие в мероприятии бесплатное при условии предварительной регистрации по телефону 0038 048 703 75 10 или lysenko@interlegal.com.ua

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Alexander Dimitrevich
Alexander is a Clinical psychologist, who did his master’s degree scientific work at Odessa National State University, and is candidate for PHD in sociology. Since 2002 he was working for different International and National organizations including ITF, ETF, MPHRP, and Sailors’ Society as Crisis-at-Sea Response Programme coordinator and consultant. Alexander is trained and experienced in organizing and providing support for trauma survivors, helping seafarers affected by piracy and other calamities happened at sea. Several programmes he worked for were very successful in the objectives, winning awards including Safety at Sea and Seatrade Maritime Security Award presented by HRH Princess Royal.
Alexander has a Maritime Lloyd’s Academy Diploma in Crew Management and he is a March on Stress associate. He is also trained in Trauma Risk Management (TRiM Practitioner/Manager) and took courses in Aaron Beck CBT Institute. In 2015 he helped to organize and interviewed Ukrainian piracy survivors in framework of Long-term impact of Maritime Piracy on Seafarers – the International survey was conducted by Ocean Beyond the Piracy/One Earth Future Foundation. 
Alexander is a co-author and trainer of Three Layer Psychosocial which is a support system for trauma survivors which was recognized and has been utilizing as basic training model for non-psychologists in Ukraine. This training course is being given to soldiers who take part in Anti-terrorist ops in East of Ukraine, National Guard and Navy, Fire Brigades, First Responders and IDPs. 
He is also a certified Wellness-at-Sea trainer and has been giving trainings for seafarers, managers and crewmanning departments of International shipping companies. Currently Alexander is co-founder and Managing Director of Intelligent Management & Crisis Response Solutions Ltd
Jonathan Martin
Jonathan has over 24 years’ service working alongside the Royal Navy. This includes 4 years leading a premier Royal Navy and Royal Marine charity through change, enabling it to become a field leader delivering wellbeing and other services to the Fleet.
Over the last two years Jonathan has successfully established new wellbeing services to the Merchant Navy on the south coast of the UK, delivering those services on board hundreds of Merchant Navy ships, and within a modern first of its kind land based wellbeing center. Certificate of commendation received from the Merchant Navy Welfare Board for service to seafarers welfare.
He continues to work with the Royal and Merchant Navies across the world, and is proud to be closely  ssociated with IMCRS.
MA, Pastoral, University of Wales
BA (Hons), University of Northampton (Combined Studies, Psychology, Sociology)
Kinforming and TRIM trained
PTSD Counselling Course
Life Coach, Accredited
Psychotherapy Practitioner, Accredited
CBT Coach Practitioner, Accredited
Civil Protection Introduction, Cabinet Office, Emergency Planning College
Community Work, Level 1, Southern Council
Mediation and Arbitration Reconciler Practicum, Resolve
Communication Tactics and Deaf Awareness, Poole Adult Learning.
Jonathan has experience as a lecturer, trainer and educator.
Stephen Nimmo
Stephen is an expert in supporting people when they are at their most vulnerable, Stephen’s experience in the funeral industry has seen him deployed to events around the world. A Response Team Specialist, Stephen is one of the leading figures in search, recovery and repatriation, and he brings this knowledge into the classroom to support others.
Through experience and a lengthy career, Steve has learnt much about disaster response. His is a career that deals with the natural human response to incidents. Steve has worked for the Ministry of Defense (MoD) in repatriation of the deceased during war from Iraq and Afghanistan, accompanying those who have fallen, home. This has often then included overseeing their funeral services with full military honors.
Alongside his work Steve teaches his practical and emotional skills to groups who wish to become funeral directors. Whatever the subject matter, Steve tries to ensure that he enhances his role in the classroom, taking his teachings outside of textbooks and into real world experiences.
Steve has two mottos that he stands by. “Ultimately, it’s what we bring of ourselves” and also his Scottish family coat of arms "I show, not boast”. In his work whether one to one, or mass casualties, Steve is dealing with people at their most vulnerable and therefore feels it is important to bring out the best of himself and to lead by example.
In his spare time, Steve likes socializing with family and friends. He also enjoys travel, visiting Australia in particular.
MD, Capt. Vitaliy Smolets 
Master Degree in Navigation, PhD, Associate Professor of “Odesa Maritime Acedemy” National University, Head Of QHSSE, DPA/CSO, ISO/ISM/MLC/ISPS Internal auditor, Trainer, 14 years experience in maritime industry.
Mykola Kozachenko
Mykola is an experience lawyer at Interlegal:
- IMO International Maritime Law Institute (Malta) – LL.M;
- National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Maritime Law and Management Faculty – Master, Bachelor; 
- Maritime College of Technical Fleet of NU “OMA”, Sea Navigation Department – Junior