
Interlegal Law Firm's Active Participation at IBA Conference in Bucharest

5 октября 2023 г.: ru 1 en 26 октября 2023 г.: ru 1 en 112 октября 2023 г.: ru 1 en 1 всего: 25 02.10.23

On the 22nd of September, Interlegal Law Firm made a significant mark by participating in the prestigious International Bar Association (IBA) Conference held in Bucharest, focusing on "The Future of Law Firm Management". This high-profile event brought together an impressive gathering of over 100 legal professionals from various countries, predominantly representing Europe. Denys Stadnichenko, business development manager, took part in the event.

The conference covered an array of crucial themes and topics that are shaping the legal landscape today and in the future, including:

- Navigating converging crises today and tomorrow.
- Law Firm IT spending decisions – smart and otherwise. Exploring the strategic decisions law firms make regarding their information technology investments, and the implications of these choices.
- The incorporeal leader and the incorporeal mentor. Delving into the role of intangible leadership and mentorship in the legal profession.
- Legal M&A – do law firms need to get bigger and bigger, or can small still be beautiful? An examination of the dynamics of mergers and acquisitions within the legal industry, pondering whether size is the only path to success.
- Will AI eat the law? An intriguing look at the intersection of artificial intelligence and the practice of law, and how technology is reshaping the legal landscape.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the event organizers for their impeccable planning and execution, and to the city of Bucharest for its undeniable charm and beauty. We also wish to express our appreciation to all the conference attendees for their unwavering support of Ukraine and its people, a testament to the spirit of solidarity that unites the global legal community.

Interlegal Law Firm remains committed to staying at the forefront of legal developments and contributing to the future of the legal profession.


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