
RailFreight Connects Project Cargo Summit

4 сентября 2023 г.: ru 3 en 111 сентября 2023 г.: ru 4 14 января : en 1 всего: 23 01.09.23



RailFreight will make a huge eventRailFreight Connects & Project Cargo Summit, to be held in Bremen (Germany) on September 6-7.  

Interlegal, in particular, Dmytro Ochkolias (Associate Attorney, Advocate), was invited as a speaker at this summit, and we are so proud to attend it, unfortunately online. 

About RailFreight Connects & Project Cargo Summit: 

There are 2 days full of content and knowledge exchange about the rail freight and port industries, discuss the current bottlenecks, as well as the new opportunities and chances between two modalities! 

How can we improve synergies between rail and port infrastructure, rolling stock management, and technologies?  

Jointly with expert speakers from all over Europe, delegates will delve into this and many other questions. 

A unique feature of RailFreight Connects is that it’s hosted simultaneously with Project Cargo Summit, an industry event catered towards the project cargo and break-bulk industry. Delegates of both events will meet on several occasions and can attend breakout sessions of both events. 

Dmytro Ochkolias will speak about War Risks in the Transport Industry. For one year and a half, Interlegal dealt with many cases, and we will share with delegates our information based on our practice.  

Topics of Dmytro’s interview:  

      - How does the transport industry respond to war risk?  
      - How do the insurance companies respond to new risks triggered by the war?  
      - What does the transport industry need to know about current war risks and the way they need to handle them?  

Dmytro will highlight also typical Interlegal transport cases since outbreak of the war.  

Now you have a unique opportunity to register at this event. Don’t miss a chance!  

For the full program and details, click here.   

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