  • Interlegal acted as a partner of the Odessa Region Open Championship of youth classes of yachts23 мая 2023 г.: en 231 мая 2023 г.: en 221 марта 2021 г.: en 1 всего: 10 30.06.16

    In the framework of the constant and systematic yachting practice development, Interlegal gets concerned in popularization of yachting and strives to support the projects related to youth sailing.

  • Interlegal lawyers facilitated vessel release from arrest in Libya5 июня 2023 г.: en 125 июля 2023 г.: en 19 сентября 2023 г.: en 1 всего: 9 29.06.16

    Interlegal lawyers, jointly with their Libyan colleagues, prevented forced sale of the vessel, which stayed under arrest at the port of Misurata. Unlawful ship arrest has been organized by the Libyan charterers who initiated local court proceedings in breach of arbitration clause stipulated by the Charter Party.

  • Interlegal defended the client’s interests under the special equipment manufacturing and supply contract1 января 2023 г.: en 17 января 2023 г.: en 129 марта 2023 г.: ru 1 всего: 17 28.06.16

    A company, our regular client, engaged in a large-scale construction project outside Ukraine applied to Interlegal upon defense of interests under the special equipment supply contract conducted for the purpose of construction works.

  • Recognition and enforcement ofaward of the ICAC at the UCCI in the Turkish Republic23 февраля 2023 г.: ru 1 en 12 марта 2023 г.: ru 1 en 131 мая 2023 г.: ru 2 всего: 23 21.06.16

    The Ukrainian enterprise, one of the largest East European manufacturer of abrasive material, applied to Interlegal upon enforcement of award made by ICAC at the UCCI against the Turkish debtor, acting as a buyer under the sales contract.

  • Nikolay Melnykov joined the Recommendatory List of Arbitrators of MAC at the UCCI7 ноября 2023 г.: ru 1 14 октября 2023 г.: en 2Вчера: ru 1 всего: 71 16.06.16

    Nikolay Melnykov, Interlegal partner, joined the Recommendatory List of Arbitrators of the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

  • Interlegal consulted the foreign forwarder upon cargo damage recovery23 мая 2023 г.: ru 3 en 223 февраля 2023 г.: en 224 июня : ru 1 всего: 289 15.06.16

    Interlegal experts consulted the foreign freight forwarder upon legal aspects and prospects of cargo damage recovery in the process of international automobile carriage.

  • Debt recovery upon quay dues20 ноября 2017 г.: ru 1 всего: 1 14.06.16

    The Client, a ship-building company, applied to Interlegal for representation of interests in respect of debt recovery against foreign-going vessels upon quay dues.

  • Subject of arrest replacement1 января 2023 г.: en 112 апреля : ru 1 23 мая 2023 г.: en 3 всего: 18 10.06.16

    Interlegal experts, acting in the Client’s interests, initiated proceedings upon enforcement of the award made by Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the framework of proceedings, sea-going vessel located in Ukraine and belonging to the debtor – a foreign shipowner, was arrested as claim security.

  • Interlegal defended the Client’s rights on cargo acceptance3 февраля 2023 г.: en 131 мая 2023 г.: ru 1 9 декабря 2023 г.: en 1 всего: 19 02.06.16

    A forwarding company applied to Interlegal due to carrier agent’s rejection in cargo acceptance. The agent grounded the cargo retention by the forwarder’s indebtedness for demurrage and detention of containers carried under other Bills of Lading.

  • Interlegal defended the line agent’s interests at the Ukrainian court1 мая 2019 г.: ru 1 2 мая 2019 г.: ru 1 12 июля 2019 г.: en 1 всего: 4 26.05.16

    The claim was filed against the line agent in Ukraine for damage recovery caused allegedly by performance of the line’s lawful right on unclaimed cargo utilization. Total cost of the claim exceeded UAH 12.000.000,00.

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