  • Preventing unlawful vessel detention13 апреля 2017 г.: ru 1 en 114 апреля 2017 г.: ru 51 31 мая 2017 г.: en 1 всего: 85 13.04.17

    The Client – foreign charterer applied to Interlegal concerning lawfulness of the actions committed by law enforcement and control bodies in respect of vessel detention at one of the Ukrainian ports.

  • Fire on board of m/v MSC Daniela12 апреля 2017 г.: ru 8 en 213 апреля 2017 г.: ru 6 en 214 апреля 2017 г.: ru 6 en 1 всего: 302 12.04.17

    On 04.04.2017, on the way from Singapore to Port Said, the fire occurred on board of container carrier m/v MSC Daniela. As of 10.04.2017, the fire has not been fought yet. For safety reason, the vessel anchored 4 nautical miles from the anchorage of Colombo (Sri Lanka). The crew abandoned the vessel. A few containers on board of the vessel are following Odessa.

  • Interlegal settled the dispute upon the Charterer’s damages7 апреля 2017 г.: ru 3 en 16 апреля 2017 г.: ru 4 27 ноября 2023 г.: en 2 всего: 46 04.04.17

    Interlegal settled the dispute concerning damages suffered by the Charterer due to the Shipowner’s rejection of Charter Party performance. Machinery breakdown did not allow the vessel to arrive at the port of discharge and the Shipowner cancelled the carriage contract, while the Charterer, as seller of the goods under CIF terms...

  • Interlegal initiated ship arrest as security measure under commercial proceedings5 апреля 2017 г.: ru 2 en 26 апреля 2017 г.: ru 3 16 сентября 2023 г.: en 1 всего: 54 05.04.17

    Interlegal, protecting the interests of the Client – foreign bunkering company – filed a claim to the court on debt recovery for bunker supply to the Shipowner.

  • Interlegal Georgia consulting upon the issues of applying CMR Convention in Georgia for the British leading law firm27 октября 2020 г.: ru 1 en 510 апреля 2017 г.: ru 1 en 121 февраля 2020 г.: ru 1 en 1 всего: 94 28.03.17

    The Client applied to Interlegal with regards to representing the large insurance company interests under the case on cargo theft during road transportation from Italy to Georgia. The insurance company insured liability of the freight forwarder who engaged several automobile carriers registered in Georgia.

  • Ship arrest in Bulgaria29 марта 2017 г.: ru 2 en 230 марта 2017 г.: ru 2 en 131 марта 2017 г.: ru 1 en 1 всего: 90 29.03.17

    The Baltic industrial concern applied to Interlegal due to the Shipowner’s rejection to pay debt for ship repair services.

  • Interlegal settled successfully the dispute on late supply of several container batches23 марта 2017 г.: ru 7 en 128 марта 2017 г.: ru 3 en 15 декабря 2023 г.: en 3 всего: 47 22.03.17

    The Client, foreign trader, concluded the Contract on grain product supply in container, under CFR terms, Indian port, on the basis of the standard proforma GAFTA 88.

  • Analysis of options of making amendments to CCD due to the error and legal effects for the parties22 декабря 2023 г.: en 14 марта : en 123 июня : ru 1 всего: 66 21.03.17

    Interlegal lawyers drafted a legal opinion which touched the issued of declaring goods and issuing the Customs Cargo Declaration.

  • Sanctions against RMRS-Ukraine20 марта 2017 г.: ru 74 en 418 марта 2017 г.: ru 23 en 117 марта 2017 г.: ru 3 en 2 всего: 806 17.03.17

    The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (Order No. 286 dd. March 2, 2017) declares on imposing special sanctions on the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for commitment of actions which may cause damage to interests of the national economic safety of Ukraine, and breach of Article 37 of the Law of Ukraine “On foreign economic activity”.

  • ICAC at the UCCI agreed with Interlegal arguments and made an award in favour of the Client30 марта 2021 г.: ru 1 23 марта 2021 г.: en 55 июля 2021 г.: en 2 всего: 64 15.03.17

    Application to the arbitration was grounded on breach of the long-term contract on steel supply between the foreign manufacturer and one of the largest Ukrainian metallurgic plants. In particular, for over 10 years of cooperation, the Ukrainian part – metal product buyer – faced large indebtedness for supplied goods.

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