  • Interlegal drafted a legal opinion upon some issues of cargo fumigation on board of the vessel7 февраля 2017 г.: ru 5 en 114 марта 2019 г.: ru 2 en 123 июня 2022 г.: en 3 всего: 79 07.02.17

    Interlegal lawyers, in the framework of long-term cooperation with public organization representing the fumigator professional interests, drafted a legal opinion upon some issues of fumigation.

  • Interlegal supported vessel purchase in Scotland3 февраля 2023 г.: en 113 февраля 2017 г.: ru 3 26 сентября 2023 г.: ru 1 всего: 39 03.02.17

    Apart from general consulting the client – Finnish company – upon the issues of applicable EU law, the project included the vessel due diligence, drafting the payment scheme, preparation of the documents required for successful deal completion and their arrangement with sellers.

  • Successful ship arrest practice under maritime claims at the Ukrainian courts13 февраля 2017 г.: ru 2 20 февраля 2017 г.: ru 2 2 мая 2022 г.: en 1 всего: 20 02.02.17

    Interlegal goes on with successful ship arrest practice under maritime claims. In order to secure claims of the Client – foreign bunkering company, the application on ship arrest at the Ukrainian sea port was filled to the court against the debtor. The court considered claims as justified and made a Ruling on ship arrest.

  • The Seller received payment for goods in containers and reimbursed losses due to active work of Interlegal lawyers13 августа 2023 г.: ru 1 30 ноября 2023 г.: ru 1 19 декабря 2023 г.: ru 1 всего: 28 06.02.17

    The Client, foreign trader, applied to Interlegal due to non-payment of the supplied container batch of grain on CFR terms/Vietnamese port. Foreign trade Contract provided payment for goods against submission of the original documents to Bank of the Buyer, Vietnamese importer.

  • Interlegal completed successfully sale and purchase deal upon 30-meter commercial motor yacht21 октября 2023 г.: en 313 февраля 2017 г.: ru 3 20 апреля : ru 1 всего: 41 26.01.17

    Interlegal senior lawyer Kirina Riashentseva and partner Irina Voyevodina, acting in the Buyer’s interests, completed sale and purchase deal upon 30-meter motor yacht manufactured by the leading English shipyard.

  • Interlegal defended the Client’s interests upon debt recovery for quay dues at the cassation instance21 апреля 2021 г.: ru 2 en 48 февраля 2017 г.: ru 3 1 декабря 2023 г.: en 2 всего: 25 25.01.17

    The Client – shipbuilding enterprise filed a request to Interlegal regarding representation of interests due to debt recovery upon quay dues from the foreign-going vessels.

  • Interlegal cancelled tax service notification on charging car tax30 ноября 2023 г.: en 223 сентября 2023 г.: en 11 октября 2023 г.: en 1 всего: 27 18.01.17

    In the framework of practice «Personal Attorney Service» launched in 2016, Interlegal defended the client’s interests at the court against the state tax inspection. Odessa District Administrative Court recognized as illegal and cancelled tax notification – decision on charging large car tax amount from the vehicle owner.

  • Interlegal experts succeeded in the deal aimed at strengthening defense of the foreign Bank positions16 августа 2017 г.: ru 2 en 13 апреля 2017 г.: ru 1 5 декабря 2023 г.: en 1 всего: 11 17.01.17

    In New Year eve Interlegal experts succeeded in the deal on making amendments to the mortgage agreement, having represented the large foreign Bank interests. In 2013 the foreign Bank, Interlegal client, and the foreign company made a loan agreement.

  • Interlegal commenced 2017 with the victory at LMAA arbitration13 марта 2017 г.: ru 1 en 220 декабря 2017 г.: ru 1 en 214 сентября 2023 г.: en 2 всего: 74 13.01.17

    The foreign Shipowner applied to Interlegal due to the Charterer’s failure to pay the demurrage accrued according to the Charter-party and applicable standard proforma GENCON 1976. The demurrage arose under results of cargo loading at the Belgorod-Dnestrovski port (Ukraine) and discharge at one of the Gulf of Izmit ports (Turkey).

  • Interlegal experts defended the agricultural product exporter’s interests in the dispute with unfair counteragent21 февраля 2020 г.: ru 1 en 15 сентября 2018 г.: ru 1 4 марта : en 1 всего: 14 22.12.16

    The large agricultural product exporter concluded with foreign buyer several contracts on pea supply in containers on CFR terms. During contract performance, discrepancies arose between the parties. They did not result in amicable settlement: the buyer submitted to the seller a consolidated claim with diversified demands on several shipments not related to each other.

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