Arthur Nitsevych, the partner of International Law Offices, has been appointed as an expert of legal and institutional questions in the framework of the project TRACECA.
24 December, 2007
The project title is “Improvement of Maritime Links between TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe – Cuacasus – Asia) Corridors and TENs Corridors (Trans European Networks) – Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine”.
The order was signed on December 17, 2007 by Carla Montesi, the head of EuropeAid Co-operation Office in European Commission.
It’s not a first time of the partner Arthur Nitsevych being an expert – consultant for the World Business Community. Very recently Arthur Nitsevych was a consultant of EBRD on the issue of providing credit for Commercial Sea Port of Ilyichevsk in Ukraine.
The administrative order No 6 is on the web-site