Ukraine: ILO Announces Lists of Licenses and Permits Needed for Dredging Works
18 May, 2011
Within the last years the interest of the leading global services providers operating in dredging sector to the Ukrainian market has been significantly increasing. Before entering the Ukrainian market a foreign provider should be aware of certain requirements for carrying out dredging activity in Ukraine. One of them – licenses and permits required for carrying out dredging works in the territory of Ukraine.
Under the Ukrainian law dredging itself is not subject to licensing. However, any activity connected with construction such as shore protection, construction of dikes etc. is subject to licensing. Taking this into account the following licenses and permits should be obtained for carrying out dredging works in Ukraine:
1. Construction license
2. Permit for beginning high danger works
3. Recognition certificate of the Shipping Register of Ukraine
Construction license
In Ukraine the licensing activities are stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On licensing of certain types of economic activities” No.1775-III dd. 01.06.2000, including the construction activity.
The construction license is obtained pursuant to the Procedure of licensing certain types of economic activities in construction approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1396 dd. 05.12.2007. Term of license issuance – 30 working days from the date of filing application. Term of license validity is 5 years, for the companies obtaining it for the first time – 3 years.
The construction license includes the Addendum with the list of construction works the company is entitled to perform. In Ukraine there is a certain List of construction works enclosed to the mentioned Decree. So, when applying for the license it is necessary to provide the list of works with the exact wording as per this List.
The construction activity is to be carried out in compliance with the Licensing terms of carrying out activity in construction connected with creation of architecture objects approved by the Order of the Ministry of the regional development and construction of Ukraine No. 47 dd. 27.01.2009.
Permit for beginning high danger works
This permit is issued in accordance with the Procedure of issuance of permits by the State committee of labour safety control and its territory bodies approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine No. 1631 dd. 15.12.2003. The Addendum 1 to this Procedure is the List of the high danger works, which includes land works carried out on the depth of more than 2 meters or in the area of underground pipeline or under water, diving works etc.
As per Decree the term of issuance of permit is 30 working days from the date of filing application. The permit is issued for 3 years.
Recognition certificate of the Shipping Register of Ukraine
Pursuant to Clause 1.1 of the Regulations of organization and order of technical control for surveying works in waters and approach canals to ports, shipbuilding facilities and shipyards and navigable paths approved by the Order of the Ministry of transport and communications of Ukraine No. 463 dd. 12.05.2006 dredging works are carried out by companies and organizations provided they have Recognition certificates. The recognition certificate is issued by the Shipping Register of Ukraine for 5 years.
Another import issue is whether foreign dredging companies may apply for obtaining the above mentioned permits directly without Ukrainian element. Under the Ukrainian law foreign dredgers may carry out dredging activity and accordingly apply for the corresponding permits only through their representative offices registered in Ukraine. So, before applying it is necessary to register a representative office that will have the Ukrainian residence. Another option, which is most frequently followed, is establishing a subsidiary company in Ukraine.
Speaking about specific project implementation, a special Permit for carrying out works on the lands of water resources should be obtained. This Permit is obtained by dredging customers in accordance with the Procedure of issuance of the permits for carrying out works on the lands of water resources approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 557 dd. 12.07.2005. It is issued by the State Committee of Water Economy with the approval of the local bodies of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Therefore, such permit is obtained for a certain object and contains its location. Accordingly the permit is issued for a period of carrying out dredging works on it. Depending on the object certain approvals from other state bodies such as fish industry state bodies may be required.
At first, obtaining the mentioned permits and licenses seems rather complicated and time consuming. However, taking into account the specifics of dredging activity, the necessity for obtaining all such permits is quite logical. In particular, it may have a significant influence on the environment and, therefore, is strictly controlled by the state authorities.
The Seventh Annual International Conference ’Practice of Maritime Business: Sharing Experience’ will be held in Odessa, Ukraine on 2-3 June 2011.
The conference place is the luxury business-hotel Grand Pettine. The organizers of the Conference are International Law Offices (Ukraine) and Remedy Law Firm (Russia).
The General Partners of the Conference are ROSGOSSTRAKH, VTB Leasing, Insurance Company Soglassye and Odessa Commercial Sea Port
The Conference is supported by the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), International Bar Association (IBA), Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) and Nautical Institute of Ukraine (NIU).
The issues covered at the conference will be dedicated to Cargo and focused on transshipment and carriages by sea (grain and bulk cargo). The Conference audience is cargo owners, traders, ship owners, forwarders, insurers, representatives of container and shipping lines and terminals.
Every year more than 150 delegates from more than 10 countries come to Odessa to establish new relationships and to feel the Black Sea market.